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Fýra evni í BIO verkætlanini

Í Sjeyndu Rammuskánni eru í ár € 188 mió. tøkar innan  Matvøru, landbúnað, fiskivinnu og bio-tøkni. Hetta er evni er eisini BIO ella KBBE.

Í Arbeiðssætlanini (Work Programme) fyri 2009 eru møguleiki at fáa fíggjarligan styrk til at granska í evnum innan hesi trý virkisøkini:
•  Burðardygg framleiðsla og stýring av lívfrøðiligum tilfeingi frá landi, skógi og vatni.
•  Matur, harímillum matur úr sjónum, heilsa og vælvera.
•  Lív-vísindi, biotøkni og biokemi til frama fyri burðadyggum (ikki-mat) vørum og framleiðslu.
Innan burðadygga framleiðslu og stýring av lívfrøðiligum tilfeingi eru fýra evni, sum møguliga hava serligan føroyskan áhuga. Tey eru:

KBBE-2009-1-2-10: Improving fisheries assessment methods by integrating new sources of biological knowledge
Call: FP7-KBBE-2009-3
Over recent years, a substantial knowledge base has been developed on essential life-cycle biological functions, in fish and shellfish including spawning, larval development, growth, maturation and reproduction, behaviour, migration etc. Fisheries assessment models maintain their original underlying biological assumptions, often dating back to Beverton & Holt’s models or even Hjort’s critical period in the early 20th century. The project should use available biological knowledge from other sources (e.g aquaculture, ecology) to check the validity or appropriateness of the biological assumptions underlying commonly used fisheries assessment models and to develop innovative or improved fisheries assessment methods.
Funding scheme: Collaborative Project (small or medium-scale focused research project)
Expected impact: The European added value lies in the expected contribution to ensure the development and the successful implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy and to improve natural resources management. Indeed, the current lack of accuracy in stock assessments and forecasts may undermine the credibility of the scientific advice used in fisheries management. This project will help to improve the accuracy and act as a basis for management decisions which will ultimately result in improved stakeholders’ acceptance of the measures taken.

KBBE-2009-1-2-13: From capture based to self-sustained aquaculture
Call: FP7-KBBE-2009-3
This project will substantiate the current knowledge on the reproduction of capture based eel in captivity, and at the same time establish the knowledge-base required for the controlled development of eggs and larvae, including larval feeding. In recent years a new aquaculture activity has developed directed at highly appreciated species for which the current level of production by commercial fisheries is not enough to meet consumers’ demand and where the wild populations are facing serious fishing pressure. The development of a self-sustained aquaculture activity, independent from the supply of wild fish, is thus required both from an industrial and conservation perspective.
Funding scheme: Collaborative Project (small or medium-scale focused research project)
Additonal information: It is viewed that the active participation of relevant partners from ICPC should add to the scientific and/or technological excellence of the project and/or lead to an increased impact of the research to be undertaken; this will be considered by the evaluators. Expected impact: The European added value lies in the project's contribution to improving competitiveness in the aquaculture industry and ensuring the sustainability of capture based aquaculture.

KBBE-2009-1-2-14: Sustainable use of seas and oceans: importance of foraging fish in the ecosystem
Call: FP7-KBBE-2009-3
Foraging fish (fish which are low in the trophic chain e.g. sprat, herring, Norway pout, sand eels, anchovy, sardines, capelin) play an important role in the ecosystem and for fisheries. They are very important as energy carriers through the ecosystem from phytoplankton and zooplankton to predatory fish, seabirds and mammals. The objective of the project is to establish the role of foraging fish, particularly with regard to ecosystem stability and biodiversity, which is relatively unknown and to establish the costs and benefits of maintaining high levels of foraging fish in an ecosystem.
Funding scheme: Collaborative Project (small or medium-scale focused research project) Additional information: This is one of the coordinated topics with FP7 Cooperation Themes Energy and Environment.
Expected impact: The European added value lies in the project's contribution to support the integration of the ecosystem approach in the Common Fisheries Policy. It will improve knowledge on the role of foraging fish (fish which are low in the trophic chain) in the ecosystem and their economic value for the fisheries sector.

KBBE-2009-1-2-15: Sustainable use of seas and oceans: integration of aquaculture and fisheries in the coastal zone
Call: FP7-KBBE-2009-3
Coastal areas are subject to an increase in competing activities and protection (Natura 2000, Marine Strategy Directive) and are a source of potential conflict for space allocation. The maintenance and/or, the development of small scale coastal fisheries and aquaculture are highly dependant on the availability and accessibility of appropriate sites. The project will study the interactions between capture fisheries and aquaculture and evaluate the benefits and possible bottle necks for concomitant development of these activities in the coastal zone. It will propose, develop and evaluate the efficiency of spatial management tools (zoning, closed areas, etc) to promote different forms of coastal aquaculture and fisheries at different scales (e.g. local, regional) and will exploit mutual opportunities (e.g. artificial reefs, protected areas, wind farms, tourism etc) within a context of competition for space by multiple users. The project will also address differences in acceptance of activities by the society. The project should have a strong interdisciplinary character in particular interaction of social in economic sciences with other disciplines. In order to ensure maximum results, the involvement of the authorities and stakeholders concerned is necessary.
Funding scheme: Collaborative Project (small or medium-scale focused research project) Additional information: This is one of the coordinated topics with FP7 Cooperation Themes Energy and Environment.
Expected impact: The European added value lies in the expected contribution to support the new Maritime policy and spatial planning of costal areas identified in the Blue Book for a European Maritime Policy as a tool as a tool of aid to manage maritime activities in an integrated way. The project will contribute to maintain and/or develop coastal fisheries and aquaculture within a context of competition for space through a range of different spatial tools promoting positive interactions and mutual benefit.

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Umsóknarfreistin er 15. januar 2009, Kl. 17:00 Brussells tíð. Eru spurningar seti tykkum í samband við okkum á Granskingarráðnum á tlf. 567802 ella við t-post: john[kurla]