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Lagt út: 23.02.2022

Stuðlaðar verkætlanir

BlueOcean - Blue whiting recruitment, distribution and Ocean-climate processes in the north Atlantic Ridge area
Verkætlanarleiðari: Brian MacKenzie
Samstarv millum DTU-Aqua og Havstovuna
Stuðul: 3.998.000 kr.
Tíðarskeið: 01.02.2022-31.01.2026

TOPLINK - Marine top predators as ecosystem indicators in the central North Atlantic
Verkætlanarleiðari: Mads Peter Heide-Jørgensen
Samstarv millum Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Havstovuna og Københavns Universitet
Stuðul: 3.973.000
Tíðarskeið: 01.01.2022-31.12.2024

COPS - Dynamics of Calanus species linked to Oceanographic processes, Predators and Carbon Sequestration
Verkætlanarleiðari: Eilif Gaard 
Samstarv millum Havstovuna, DTU-Aqua og University of Strathclyde
Stuðul: 2.366.250
Tíðarskeið: 01.01.2022-31.09.2024

FjordProcess - Key processes governing pelagic productivity in sub-arctic North Atlantic fjord ecosystems
Verkætlanarleiðari: Eydna í Homrumi
Samstarv millum Havstovuna, Fiskaaling, Aarhus Universitet og Institute of Marine Research in Bergen
Stuðul: 3.699.024
Tíðarskeið: 01.01.2022-31.12.2024

BlueCea - Tracing the fate of Macroalgae with a focus on blue carbon processes in sub-arctic North Atlantic fjord ecosystems and beyond
Verkætlanarleiðari: Nadescha Zwerschke
Samstarv millum Grønlands Naturinstitut, Deildina fyri Ecoscience á Aarhus Universiteti, Fiskaaling, TARI – Faroe Seaweed og Havstovuna.
Játtan: 3.899.358 kr.
Tíðarskeið: 01.05.2023-30.04.2025

ClimeFishLink - Linking 80 years of variation in fish growth to climatic effects on food webs, temperature and field metabolic rates using otolith microchemistry
Verkætlanarleiðari: Peter Grønkjær
Samstarv millum Deildina fyri Lívfrøði á Aarhus Universiteti og Havstovuna.
Játtan: 2.844.921 kr.
Tíðarskeið: 01.01.2024-31.12.2026

DolphinUnit - Defining management units and genetic health of cetacean top predators in the Greenland-Iceland-Faroe-Scotland Ridge and beyond
Verkætlanarleiðari: Marie Louis
Samstarv millum Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, University of the Faroe Islands, and University of Copenhagen
Játtan: 3.036.213 kr.
Tíðarskeið: 01.11.2024-31.10.2026

PHYTO-TRAITS - Morphological and nutritional traits of phytoplankton blooms in the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Ocean-Shelf systems of the North Atlantic
Verkætlanarleiðari: Ian Salter
Samstarv millum Faroe Marine Research Institute, University of the Faroe Islands, Firum, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, DTU Aqua, Finnish Environment Institute, and Research Institute for Water and the Environment (Norway).
Játtan: 3.199.852 kr.
Tíðarskeið: 01.10.2024-30.09.2027

Si-4-Eco - Silicate – gyre dynamics: consequences for North Atlantic ecological productivity
Verkætlanarleiðari: Brian MacKenzie
Samstarv millum DTU Aqua, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, and Faroe Marine Research Institute
Játtan: 3.200.000 kr.
Tíðarskeið: 01.10.2024-31.09.2027