Published: 20.03.2024

PhD theses

Faroese researchers have completed several PhD projects in the Faroe Islands and abroad, and foreign researchers have written PhD projects in the Faroe Islands or about Faroese topics.

Several of these PhD theses can be found here:

Baianstovu, Rúna í: Mångfald som demokratins villkor
Örebro Universitet, 2012

Bak, Urd Grandorf: Seaweed cultivation in the Faroe Islands: An investigation of the biochemical composition of selected macroalgal species, optimised seeding technics, and open-ocean cultivation methods from a commercial perspective
DTU, 2019

Bergsson, Heiðrikur: Optimizing fish growth and animal welfare in aquaculture sea cages by profiling oxygen and water current
Copenhagen University, 2021 

Bláfoss, Rúni: Daily fluctuations in low-back pain, fatigue, and stress among warehouse and construction workers
University of Southern Denmark, 2024

Carlsen, Louise M.: Teachers’ Practice and Knowledge on School Algebra with CAS
Copenhagen University, 2020

Carlsen, Toke Meier: Operator Algebraic Applications in Symbolic Dynamics
Copenhagen University, 2004

Christensen, Annika: ‘Kvæði í Føroyskari Samtíð’ Exploring Ballads as Popular Culture and Heritage in Contemporary Faroese Culture
University of Leeds, 2020

Dahl, Magnus: Production planning of energy systems – Cost and risk assessment for district heating
Aarhus Universitet, 2018

Danielsen, Katrin Eivindardóttir: Cell cycle heterogeneity as a regulator of epithelial bending during neural tube closure
University College London, 2016

Danielsen, Rannvá: Fisheries policy in the Faroe Islands: Managing for failure?
University of Iceland, 2020

Debes, Heini Bergsson: Convincing Without Revealing: Strategies for Facilitating Remote Attestation under Weakened Trust Assumptions using Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
DTU 2023

Eliasen, Kirstin: Sandeel, Ammodytes spp., as a link between climate and higher trophic levels on the Faroe shelf
Aarhus University, 2013

Eliasen, Sólvá Káradóttir: Primary production on the Faroe Shelf - Spatial and temporal variations with links to hydrography
Fróðskaparsetur Føroya 2017 

Fielding, Russel: Artisanal whaling in the Atlantic: A coprarative study of culture, conflict, and conservation in St. Vincent and the Faroe Islands
Louisiana State University, 2010

Fängström, Britta: Human Exposure to Organohalogen Compounds in the Faroe Islands
Stockholm University, 2005

Gaini, Shahin: New Markers for Infection and New Methods in Evaluation of the Inflammatory Status in Patients with Sepsis
University of Southern Denmark, 2008

Gaïni, Sigri M.: Freedom of Speech, Hate Speech and Democratic Formation - On the double function of hate speech legislation and its relation to freedom of political speech
University of the Faroe Islands and Roskilde University 2024


Gylfe, Åsa: Role of birds in the biology of Lyme disease Borrelia
Umeå University, 2001

Haahr, Jørgen Thorlund: Reactive Robustness and Integrated Approaches for Railway Optimization Problems.
DTU 2015

Hammer, Kristianna: Portraying hope. A study among women newly diagnosed with gyneacological cancer.
Syddansk Universitet 2010

Harryson, Hans: Den pædagogiske diskurs i læreruddannelsen - formål, indhold og undervisningsmetoder: En komparation af læreruddannelserne HSN, Drammen, VIA, Aarhus og HÍ, Reykjavík
Fróðskaparsetur Føroya og Aarhus Universitet, 2018 

Hayfield, Erika: Children's cultures of consumption
Napier Business School, 2007

Hjøllum, Jari í: Antiferromagnetism in YBCO and CoO Nanoparticles
Copenhagen University, 2008

Homrum, Eydna í: The Effects of Climate and Ocean Currents on Faroe Saithe
University of the Faroe Islands, 2012

Hovgaard, Gestur: Globalisation, Embeddedness and Local Coping Strategies: a comparative and qualitative study of local dynamics in contemporary social change
RUC, 2000

Højsted, Ingi Heinesen: Toward marvels in dynamic geometry teaching and learning. Developing guidelines for the design of didactic sequences that exploit potentials of dynamic geometry to foster students’ development of mathematical reasoning competency.
DPU, 2021

Jiménez, Greta: At ”reika” i den færøske daginstitution: En de-kolonial undersøgelse af trivsel i daginstitutionspolitik og praksis i rigsfællesskabet
DPU, 2023

Jóansson, Tórður: Brethren in the Faeroes. An Evangelical movement, its remarkable growth and lasting impact in a remote island community
University of Glasgow 2012

Joensen, Bárður: How event-based memories change as a function of forgetting and consolidation
University of York, 2020.  

Kerins, Seán Patrick: Whaling in the Faroes: Søtur er sjálvgivin biti
Griffith University, 2008

Klettskarð í Kongsstovu, Sunnvør: Sequencing the North Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) genome and development of a genetic stock management tool
Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, 2020

Kočovská, Eva: A population study of risk factors for autism spectrum disorders in the Faroe Islands
University of Glasgow

Kollsker, Torkil: Mathematical Models and Algorithms for Optimisation of the LEGO Construction Problem
DTU, 2020

Lindquist, Ole: Whales, dolphins and porpoises in the economy and culture of peasant fishermen in Norway, Orkney, Shetland, Faroe Islands and Iceland, c.900–1900 A.D., and Norse Greenland, c.1000–1500 A.D.
St. Andrews University, 1995

Magnussen, Marita Debess: Antimicrobial resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes and Escherichia coli from the Faroese population, correlation with antimicrobial use and comparison with Iceland and Denmark
Háskóli Íslands, 2018

Michelsen, Christina Solmunde: John the Baptist’s Public Ministry in Lk 3:1-20: Is Luke a Writing Reader of Matthew?
Københavns Universitet, 2017

Mikkelsen, Robert Flemming: Actuator Disc Methods Applied to Wind Turbines
DTU, 2004

Mitchinson, John: Danish in the Faroe Islands: A Post-Colonial Perspective
University College London, 2012

Neshamar, Otto Eivind: Hydrodynamics of oscillatory flow over an array of cylinders 
University of Aberdeen, 2022

Nolsøe, Turið: Autonomy’s double bind. The rhetorical intersection of geopolitics and biopolitics in Danish media coverage of Faroese abortion rights
University of Copenhagen 2023

Nord, Tóra: Arbete som rättighet eller skyldighet: Föreställningar om arbetsmarknadsfrånvaro i välfärdsstaten
Karlstads Universitet, 2018

Numminen, Lotta: The interplays of histories, economies and cultures in human adaption and settlement patterns: The cases of the Faroe Islands and Greenland
University of Helsinki, 2010

Ofstad, Lise Helen: Anglerfish Lophius piscatorius L. in Faroese waters. Life history, ecological importance and stock status
Tromsø University, 2013

Olsen, Gunnar: Supramolecular Derivation of Graphene Nanomaterials for Chemical Sensors
DTU, 2016

Olsen, Martin Mohr: Fourth Mission and Post-Sustainability Oriented Innovation in the Arctic
DTU, 2023

Olsen, Petur: Model Driven Development of Data Sensitive Systems
Aalborg Universitet, 2014

Ólavstovu, Vár í: Mellem tradition og modernitet: Færøskfaget og den færøskfaglige kontekst i national diskurs. En redegørelse og analyse af fagets idé, praksis og reception i det almene gymnasium
University of Southern Denmark,  2010

Petersen, Árni Johan: Collective Imaginary as (Residual) Fantasy. A Case Study of the Faroese Oil Bonanza
CBS 2021

Petersen, Búi K: Structure and agency in bargaining: Practice, routines, truce, and individual differences
Memorial University of New Foundland 2018

Petersen, Uni K.: Propagation and scattering of reflection seismic waves in a basalt succession
University of the Faroe Islands, 2014

Petúrsson, Hans: Design of steel piles for integral abutment bridges
Luleå Tekniska Universitet 2015

Poulsen, Frida: Inclusion in the Faroese public school: From political vision to practice in tension between general education and special needs education
University of the Faroe Islands and Aarhus University 2023

Róin, Ása: On the Making of Age - a Constructionist Study on Ageing and Later Life in the Faroe Islands
Linkøbings Universitet 2015

Singleton, Benedict E.: From the sea to the land beyond: exploring plural perspectives on whaling
Örebro University, 2016

Sofíudóttir, Bjørk K.: Detection of interstitial lung disease in rheumatoid arthritis: diagnostic tests and prognostic value
University of Southern Denmark, 2024 

Sølvará, Hans Andrias: The Rise of Faroese Separatism
University of the Faroe Islands, 2018

Tróndheim, Helma Maria: Ensuring Supply Reliability and Grid Stability in a 100% Renewable Electricity Sector in the Faroe Islands
Aalborg University and University of the Faroe Islands, 2022

Vijayavarathan, Kalpana: Teacher cognition of grade 8 teachers on teaching speaking in English as a foreign language in The Faroe Islands and its impact on teachers’ pedagogical praxis: seven case studies
Fróðskaparsetur Føroya og Aarhus Universitet, 2017 

Walker, Richard James: The Structural Evolution of the Faroe Islands, NE Atlantic Margin
Durham University, 2010

West, Hallbera: MP Firefighting: When do MPs hold government accountable?
Aarhus Universitet og Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, 2018

Other theses and articles

Bloch, Dorete: Grindehvalen og Færøernes grindefangst

Skoradal, May-Britt: Screening af 9. klasses elever for risiko for type 2 diabetes