Published: 29.10.2021

Multi Programme Agreement between the European Commission and the Faroe Islands

The Faroe Islands and the European Commission have concluded the formal negotiations on a new Multi Programme Agreement, which allows the Faroe Islands to join all EU programmes open to non-EU countries. Additionally, the parties concluded the negotiations on a protocol which ensures association of the Faroe Islands to Horizon Europe.

The European Commission was represented by the Horizon Europe Chief Negotiator Signe Ratso and deputy Chief Negotiator Anne Haglund-Morrissey, while the Faroe Islands were represented by Permanent Secretary Poul Geert Hansen and Head of Mission of the Faroe Islands to the EU, Elin Mortensen. The process to formalise the agreement has been launched and requires signature authorization and conclusion by the Faroese Parliament and the EU Council.

Updated terms for R&I cooperation

Association to the EU’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation is the closest form of cooperation in science and technology between the EU and non-EU countries. The associated membership is instrumental for smooth R&I cooperation and funding of joint research and innovation projects with partners from the Faroe Islands, enabling mutual access to excellent science, innovation and research infrastructure.

Scientific relations between the Faroe Islands and the European Union have developed strongly since the Faroe Islands’ first association to an EU R&I Framework Programme (FP7) in 2010. They constitute a major pillar of the bilateral relations with the EU.

The financial terms in the new agreement have been adjusted to assure a better balance between costs and benefits.

Extended cooperation possible

The new Multi Programme Agreement is an important step for the Faroe Islands in extending their cooperation with the EU. This new agreement enables the Faroe Islands to become a participating country in any EU programme open to non-EU countries and relevant to the Faroe Islands.

It is already expected that the Faroe Islands will join the Erasmus+ and the Creative Europe programmes, and others might follow.