Published: 18.11.2021

Freedom to Try out New Ideas

International researchers are growing in numbers in the Faroe Islands. One of them is Amanda Vang from USA. She is holding a PhD in Biomedical Science from the University of Connecticut, and is currently the Head of the Biotechnology Department at the Aquaculture Research Station of the Faroe Islands.

 “There is a lot of freedom to come up with a new idea and try it out here. In the academic environment I came from you are often part of an ongoing routine but here you might be the only person with your specialized skills. It is harder and more risky because you don´t have the same level of support as you would find at large institutions but it is fulfilling and you have a closer contact to people", she says. 

Read more about Amanda and other international researchers in the Faroe Islands on the EURAXESS Faroe Islands portal.