Published: 31.08.2020

Pedagogical considerations and challenges during a rapid switch from onsite to online teaching

Project period Erla Olsen

ResuméThe project studies the gradual adaptations of educational institutions who had to lock down and switch to online teaching. Attitudes, teaching methods and challenges of both pupils / students and teachers are examined. It can be assumed that the closure due to the Korona has accelerated the process of moving teaching to the Internet. Therefore it is relevant to examine the impact the shift to online teaching has had on pedagogy and didactics, and thus on the quality of teaching and learning.

Project period 15.04.2020-32.12.2020 (Project delayed)

Team Faculty of Education, University of the Faroe Islands, University of Iceland.

Funding COVID-19 funding from the Research Council and the University of the Faroe Islands.


Publications Not yet