Published: 31.08.2020

Corona Diary

Project leader Erika Anne Hayfield

Resumé The study aims to capture how people in the Faroe Islands responded to and coped during Corona lockdown through the recording of lived experiences. We explore the social impact of a lockdown, and what coping mechanisms people employ during such an acute crisis. The methods applied in this study are two-fold. The first phase was through diary writing and the second involved follow-up interviews, based on personal diaries. The initial phase was launched March 18th, only a few days into Corona lockdown in the Faroe Islands. Fifty volunteers wrote personal diaries for one-two months. They recorded their thoughts, feelings, observations, and adjusted practices.

Project period 18.03.2020-31.10.2021 (Project closed)

Team Faculty of History and Social Sciences, the University of the Faroe Islands.

Stuðlar COVID-19 funding from the Research Council. In-kind from the University of the Faroe Islands.


Publications Not yet.