
Data Management Plan

In general terms, your research data should be 'FAIR', that is findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable.

There are no specific national rules in the Faroe Islands on research data management. Research Council Faroe Islands suggests that all researchers follow the definition outlined in the Horizon 2020 Data Management manual.

Data Management Plans (DMPs) are a key element of good data management. A DMP describes the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated. As part of making research data findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable (FAIR), a DMP should include information on:

  • the handling of research data during and after the project

  • what data will be collected, processed and/or generated

  • which methodology and standards will be applied

  • whether data will be shared/made open access and

  • how data will be curated and preserved (including after the end of the project)

Source: Horizon 2020 Online Manual