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Lagt út: 19.08.2009

Jóannes Jacobsen vart ph.d. við KU

Týsdagin 18. august vardi Jóannes Jacobsen ph.d.ritgerð sína við Økonomisk Institut á Københavns Universitet. Ritgerðin, sum ber heitið: "Longevity and Electoral Rules as Determinants of Comparative Development", er sett saman av 4 vísindaligum greinum.

Carl Johan Dalgaard, professari við Københavns Universitet hevur verið vegleiðari hjá Jóannesi Jacobsen.

Í metingarnevndini vóru: Mark Gradstein, professari við Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Ísrael, Fidel Perez Sebastian, lektari við Universidad de Alicante, Spania og John Rand, lektari við Københavns Universitet.

Metingarnevndin segði í síni niðurstøðu, tá hon góðkendi arbeðið hjá Jóannesi Jacobsen til verju, at: "Overall the thesis is of a very respectable quality and it contains several interesting contributions to the study of (i) the effects of increased life expectancy on different aspects of economic development, and (ii) the effect of the choice electoral rules on corruption. It clearly meets the standard for a Ph.D., and it is therefore a pleasure for us to recommend that Joannes Jacobsen be granted the permission to present his work in public."

Formaðurin í metingarnevndini, John Rand, legði afturat, tá kann kunngjørdi at verjan eisini varð góðkend, at talan var um: "a high quality thesis, and a high quality defense".

Granskingarráðið hevur stuðlað ph.d.verkætlanini.

Les meira um Jóannes Jacobsen í Heilagrunninum.

Enskur samandráttur um ritgerðina:
This thesis is a collection of 4 self-contained essays, all single authored. The first three papers are concerned with the effect of changes in life expectancy on markers of development; paper 1 study the impact of life expectancy on democracy. Paper 2 revisits the analysis in Acemoglu and Johnson (2007) by looking at the relationship life expectancy and per capita income and paper 3 looks at the connection between life expectancy and schooling. Paper 4 contain empirical work on the effect of the choice of electoral rule on corruption.